Pimcore Inspire 2024 – Review


Pimcore Inspire is the go-to event for agencies, developers and partners. This year, Metaways was on site in Zell am See, Austria, as a sponsor and partner.

Two men on a stage, in the background a screen with the title of the keynote "Let's talk about (our) PaaS for Pimcore"

Colleagues Christian Baumann and Cornelius Weiss not only held interesting discussions and made new contacts, but also presented the Metaways PaaS for Pimcore in a keynote speech. It was unusual for the two of them that they had to give the presentation for the international audience in English, but ultimately this was not a problem. They brought some stories back to Hamburg with them: technical news about the Pimcore roadmap, from the evening event in a ski lodge and then there was the cab driver who reported on “Europe’s biggest swingers’ party”, which was to take place in the hotel a few weeks later.

All in all, two great days that lived up to the name of the event and provided new inspiration and exciting insights.



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20457 Hamburg


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